Thing 11 – Reflective Practice


I am just on Thing 11 now, and it would seem I am a month behind in my blogging. I think it is safe to say I have fallen behind in my time management. I have really enjoyed writing my blogs and becoming acquainted with the different social media tools that we have been recommended and I didn’t think I would fall behind so much. I have to remember not to look at it from the prospective of ‘all I have to catch up on’ but as one Thing at a time. As one fellow Rudai23 blogger put it; “the technical aspect can become daunting”, however, the process and directions are all well detailed and I just have to trust that I can do it.

I have found this course both interesting and difficult at times. It needs a lot of honesty and requires a certain amount of openness, especially with the Video blogging and live streaming. After watching the Rudai ‘Hang-out’ from the 23rd of August I’m upset I was unable to watch at the time or contribute. It was great to watch, you could see the participants ease into the ‘Hang-out’ and relax and the conversation was enchanting. It was nice to see a group of librarians from all over (India was extremely impressive) talk about their experiences and the ability for other bloggers to contribute by tweet was brilliant. I liked that they introduced other bloggers and told their stories which gave the whole thing a more personal feel and from reading through others blogs I feel more confident in my blogging because I know (for the most part) we are all feeling the same which is comforting.

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